Xah Lee's Unixism

CBFalconer cbfalconer at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 8 13:59:40 EDT 2004

jmfbahciv at aol.com wrote:
> Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> wrote:
>> CBFalconer <cbfalconer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Alan Balmer wrote:
>>>... snip ...
>>>> I'm not a fan of Mr Hatch, but blaming him for the shuttle
>>>> disaster(s) is somewhat over the top. Why not blame President
>>>> Bush? That's the popular thing nowadays.
>>> Alright, if you insist.  But is it really necessary?  We can find
>>> adequate charges without reaching very hard.
>> Then why are so many people reaching so hard?
> It's apparently having the desired effect.  The subject of
> the radio talk show last night was about the results of a poll
> where 41% of the people asked (New York state residents) believed
> that Bush and Co. knew that the WTC was going to be attacked and
> did nothing to prevent it.  The Bush-bashing is working.  The
> Democrats are opening the city gates to the barbarians.

I deplore your tast in radio talk shows.  It doesn't take much to
create a rabble rousing poll to increase ratings.

There is no need, nor cause, to impute Bush & Co. with
intrinsically evil intentions.  It is quite enough to point to
their lack of capability, and bull headed 'revenge for daddy'
propensities.  The state of the economy, unemployment, poverty
rate, medical care, deficit, death rate in Iraq (both of Americans
and Iraqis), abandonment of the Bin Laden hunt, abridgement of
civil liberties (as in the Patriot Act and the Gitmo gulag), poor
choice of companions (Halliburton and other political donors and
trough feeders, and the 'plausible deniability' of the Swiftboat
gang), irritation of allies, inability to deal with North Korea
(due to involvement with useless adventures), abandonment of
efforts towards a Palestinian peace, all spring to immediate mind.

Yes, we have had no experience with a Kerry administration, but we
have had far too much experience with a Bush administration.

"I'm a war president.  I make decisions here in the Oval Office
 in foreign policy matters with war on my mind." -         Bush.
"If I knew then what I know today, I would still have invaded
 Iraq. It was the right decision" -       G.W. Bush, 2004-08-02

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