changing local variable values in python debugger

Jeremy Jones zanesdad at
Fri Sep 17 09:50:42 EDT 2004

Richie Hindle wrote:

>>Is there any way to modify a local variable in the Python debugger (pdb)?
>>(Pdb) f
>>(Pdb) f = 'd'
>>(Pdb) f
>In fact what you're doing there *is* working - look:
>-> if f == 'd':
>(Pdb) f
>(Pdb) f = 'd'
>(Pdb) s
>-> b(f)
>Setting the value of a local variable works, but *examining* the value resets
>it to whatever it was when you arrived at the current pdb prompt.  It's a bug,
>either in pdb or in Python's core debugger support depending on how you look
>at it.  I've been meaning to try to fix this for ages, but haven't found the
>time to figure out how to do so.
Doh!  Thanks!  I didn't try to continue stepping through without 
re-evaluating the variable.  That will save my sanity.  I knew there had 
to be a way to do it, but I didn't know that I was already doing it.  
Thanks again!

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