Calling (C)Python code from Java: Is it JPype?

F. GEIGER f.geiger at
Wed Sep 29 09:56:14 EDT 2004

I've dev'ed a Python prototype of an app, that besides the internals making
it up has a gui. While test-driven dev'ing the app's internals in Python is
fun as usual, dev'ing the GUI is not so funny, at least for me.

I guess dev'ing a GUI in a test-driven way is not possible, or is it? I'm
using wxPython, so if anyone has an idea...

For now most of the time I extend and change the gui things, then run it, do
the clicks to go thru the new things and - bang: Missing attribute bla bla
bla or an error like that. Yes, I use Pychecker, but it isn't of real help
in gui dev'ing (at least in my GUIs ;-)).

So, a compiler could ease things a bit here. While I want the complicated
stuff remaining written in Python, I'd write the GUI things in Java. Java,
because I plan to run the app on Linux too (dev'ing on Windows for now).
Otherwise *.NET could be an option (well, perhaps I should look at Mono).

Now, if I go the Java route, how can I call my Python stuff from Java, if I
do not want to use Jython, which lags behind CPython 3 minor versions (2.1.
vs. 2.4)? Google showed up JPype, but this seems to enable me the other way
round: Call Java code from CPython. Or are there any plans to make this
possible the other way round too?

Any other options here?

Many thanks in advance

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