i am going to get crazy!!!

andresm xv0017python at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 14 20:15:39 EDT 2004

I cant believe there is no single decent open source for python, all
them miss some of the most core features an ide should have, i just
cant believe this!!! I have been looking for a decent ide for one
weak, i have tried all of them, all. the only kick ass one is ipython,
but thats a shell that shows how an ide should be.

 I come from a java background using eclipse, netbeans,intellij,etc
and i realy liked to learn python =( , java sucks for tons of reasons,
but i dont now what to do the most important feature of an ide is
syntax coloring and "full code completion suport".

 For example if i am learning how to use the sys module in my code and
while i am writing like :

      sys . 

   A list should appear showing me all the attributes of the module or
class : variables,locals,globals,builtins,etc  and when i focus on one
item for example " setprofile " method the documentation of the method
should appear in another popup , that way i can learn  the libraries
fast and in an interactive way. Is all i want in an ide ALL IDES have
this. Why python ones dont ?  in spe you get everything that is in the
namespace,not just the object before the dot triger,same in eric3, in
komodo you get just the functions, no docs.

 Whats wrong with my common sense?  all ides for php,java,c have this
feature , is all i want to be able to program fast =( .

 But i have to alt-tab to konsole to the ipython shell, type help(sys)
, find the doc and info i need and go back to the editor again, is
like 20 seconds comparing to 1 with code completion suport.

 How do you guys program without a feature like this? that is the only
reason i need an ide,  how do you remember all the methods names,
parameters , attributes , classes, behavior while coding with an ide
not suporting this tools? i wont memorize all of them =( is
contraproducent if a tool can help, not to mention when learing new
libraries, memorize again? or take 10 seconds every time you dont
remember something to take the time to look into it?  What should i
do? T_T

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