Microthreads without Stackless?

David Mertz, Ph.D. groups.google at gnosis.cx
Fri Sep 17 02:13:15 EDT 2004

Bryan Olson <fakeaddress at nowhere.org> wrote in message news:
> Mertz certainly is saying they are like co-routines, and he
> seems to think the major difference is in the scheduler.  I
> think he's wrong: the key difference is switching from anywhere,
> not just one-call-down.

It's too bad you didn't bother to READ my article at:


This is distinct from my other article that covers "weightless
threads", though there is some overlap in the concepts.

While you do need a scheduler to control the branching, once you have
this you get EXACTLY the same thing as coroutines in other languages. 
Specifically, you can branch from any generator, into the body of
whatever other generator you wish.

I think all the arrogant tone went so much to your head that you
forgot to *think*.

Yours, David...

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