Floating-point glitches with the math module. Bug? Or am I missing something?

Chris Metzler cmetzler at speakeasy.snip-me.net
Mon Sep 20 20:32:25 EDT 2004

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 19:03:57 -0500, Jeff Epler wrote:
> Incidentally, the second part of your expression goes to 0 here, with
> the given values:

Yeah, I noticed this later (it's sorta implicit in the content of my
other, followup post).

This kinda sucks because I need to do some precision surveying calcs
-- computing lat/lons for a variety of points separated by known
distances and angles from a point of known lat/lon. If I do everything
in spherical trig, I run into this issue (that whole dividing-by-earth
-radius thing).   But if I do things using planar approximations, for
most of the points I get lat/lons that are too far off from where they
should be.


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