container-indepentent iteration code ?

Jeremy Bowers jerf at
Wed Sep 8 20:49:27 EDT 2004

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 20:35:56 -0400, flacco wrote:
> i always want obj to be the value.  dicts, for example, yield keys 
> instead of values (i think?)...

Ah, that clarifies it for me. "Values" is a bit of an overloaded term. :-)

The problem you're running into here is that the "standard iterator" kind
of "defines" the "values" the container has. That's the only idea of
"default set of values in a container" that Python is going to understand. 

Thus, since the fundamental issue is a disagreement between you and Python
about what constitutes a "value" out of a dict (and as the human in this
transaction you are the right one :-) ), I don't see any way to avoid
explaining your idea to Python. You can make it convenient:

def values(iterable):
	if isinstance(iterable, dict):
		return iterable.itervalues()
	# Whatever other special cases you may need
	return iter(iterable)

for obj in values(container):
	# etc.

but there's no switch or anything that will do what you want. Sorry.
You're always going to have to explain what you mean by "whatever" to

Stepping up one meta-level, another possibility that you may consider is
creating some container classes that match whatever your heterogenous
containment needs are, then you can make *those* containers work naturally
without the function I showed above. Without knowing more about your
problem, I can't know if that is better in general.

Consider this:

class IterateGivesMeValues(dict):
	# It is quite likely your domain will give you a better
	# name :-)
	def __iter__(self):
		return self.itervalues()

igmv = IterateGivesMeValues()
igmv["key"] = "value"
for i in igmv:
	print i

will print "value" instead of "dict". If you build your structures out of
such objects your life may, or may not, be easier. 

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