UPNP, Media & Python

Ben Last ben at benlast.com
Sat Sep 11 08:34:54 EDT 2004

I've been messing around with my Netgear MP101 and alternate servers.  I
like the MP101, but the server that comes with it leaves a lot to be desired
(like you need to have it running on a logged-in Windows machine.  Gag me
with a spoon).  So my thought naturally turned to whether it's feasible to
write a replacement in Python.  After all, UPnP is really just XML via HTTP
over UDP...

Half-an-hour's Googling later, it looks like it's a bigger job, but what
especially intrigued me is that there seem to be no Python UPNP frameworks,
when I'd have thought it was a pretty good match.  So - does anyone know any
different?  Is there a working UPNP implementation on which I could slap a
Mediaserver implementation?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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