Problem with a dictionary program....

Larry Bates lbates at
Tue Sep 28 12:55:34 EDT 2004

Ling Lee wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to write a small program that lets you put in a number as an 
> integer and then it tells you the textuel representation of the number.
> Like if your input is 42, it will say four two.
> I found out that I have to make a dictionary like this: List = { 1:"one", 
> 2:"two" and so on )
> and I have to use the raw_input method to get the number:
> indput : raw_input(" Tell me the number you want to transform to textuel 
> representaion")
> The I have to transform the input to a string
> indput = str(indput)
> so that I can count how many decimals the number has, like 23 has 2 decimals 
> and 3000 has 4 decimals.
> After I have gotten the lenght of the string, I will write a loop, that goes 
> through the dictionary as many times as the lengt of the string, and the 
> gives me the corresponding numbers, the numner 21 would go 2 times through 
> the loop and give me the output two one
> Will one of you be so kind and tell me how I count the lengt of the indput 
> number i was thinking on something like input.count[:] but that dosnt 
> work...
>  and how I make the loop.
>  Im trying to understand dictionaries but have gotten a bit stuck...
> Thanks for all replies....
Here's an example of what you want:

""" Just run it, you'll see what it does.

This code is released into the public domain absolutely free by
as long as you keep this comment on the document and all derivatives of it.


def getfractionwords(num):
         frac = num-int(num)
         numstr = str(int(frac*100+.5))
         if len(numstr) == 1:
                 numstr = '0'+numstr
         fracstr = ' and ' + numstr + '/100'
         return fracstr

def convertDigit(digit):
         digits = ('', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 
'Eight', 'Nine')
         return digits[int(digit+.5)]

def breakintochunks(num):
         (left,right) = breakintwo(num)
         rv = [right]
         while left > 999:
                 (left,right) = breakintwo(left)
         return rv

def breakintwo(num):
         leftpart = int(num/1000.0)+0.0
         rightpart = 1000.0*(num/1000.0 - leftpart)
         return (int(leftpart+.5),int(rightpart+.5))

def enties(num):
         tens = ('','','Twenty' ,'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty',
                 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety')
         indx = int(num/10.0)
         return tens[indx]

def convert2digit(num):
         teens = ('Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen',
                  'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen')
         if num < 10:
                 return convertDigit(num)
         if num <20:
                 return teens[num-10]
         if num > 19:
                 tens = enties(num)
                 ones = convertDigit(10*(num/10.0-int(num/10.0)))
                 if ones:
                         rv= tens+'-'+ones
                 return rv

def convert3digit(num):
         threenum = str(num)
         ln = len(threenum)
         if ln==3 :
                 a= convertDigit(int(threenum[0]))
                 b= ' Hundred '
                 c=     convert2digit(int(threenum[1:]))
                 return a+b+c
         if ln<3 :
                 return convert2digit(int(threenum))
         raise 'bad num',num

def num2words(num):
         thousandchunks = breakintochunks(int(num))
         rv = ' '
         if num >= 1000000:
                 rv=rv+ convert3digit(thousandchunks[-3])+ ' Million '
         if num >= 1000:
                 c3d= convert3digit(thousandchunks[-2])
                 if c3d:
                         rv=rv+ c3d+ ' Thousand '
         rv = rv + convert3digit(thousandchunks[-1])+ getfractionwords(num)
         return squishWhiteSpace(rv)

def squishWhiteSpace(strng):
         """ Turn 2 spaces into one, and get rid of leading and trailing
             spaces. """
         import string,re
         return string.strip(re.sub('[ \t\n]+', ' ', strng))

def main():
         for i in range(1,111,7):
                 print i,num2words(i)

         for i in (494.15, 414.90, 499.35, 400.98, 101.65, 110.94, \
                   139.85, 12349133.40, 2309033.75, 390313.41, 99390313.15, \
                   14908.05, 10008.49, 100008.00, 1000008.00, 100000008.00, \
                   14900.05, 10000.49, 100000.00, 1000000.00, 100000000.00, 8.49):
                 print i,num2words(i)

         import whrandom
         for i in range(33):
                 num = whrandom.randint(1,999999999) + whrandom.randint(1,99)/100.0
                 print num,num2words(num)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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