unittest: new reporting category "skipped"

Remy Blank remy.blank_asps at pobox.com
Thu Sep 23 12:32:19 EDT 2004

Jeremy Fincher wrote:
> Even if it doesn't get accepted into Python proper, I'll take a copy
> and put it with my project -- I already provide my own unittest.py

I was wondering, is it worth modifying unittest.py directly and
provide a patch, or should I just extend its functionality in a
separate file, and provide that one?

> that I hacked to show the total number of asserts (I was curious one
> day, and it's turned out to be a remarkably useful thing to have,
> since my tests-upon-tests can hide unreaonable numbers of assertions
> which otherwise would go unnoticed (except as a general slowness of
> the test suite).

Interesting idea. What do you use the assertion count for?

-- Remy

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