Python Macros

Arich Chanachai macrocosm at
Wed Oct 6 13:09:02 EDT 2004


>>In ObjC it would be send the message y with value z to object X
>>Say X doesn't know what to do with y
>>specified in X's code are instruction that tell it what object to pass
>>the message y to...say...U for example
>>So the message has been passed and basically translates into U.y(z) or
>>in ObjC [U y:z]
>You mean some refinement of this sort of thing:
>    class X(object):
>        a = "lives in X"
>        def __getattr__(self, name):
>            return getattr(U,name)
>    class U(object):
>        b = "lives in Y"
>    x = X()
>    print x.a
>    print x.b
Sure, but what if I dynamically (at runtime) extend X to include 
variable b.  Will it then print X.b or still U.b?

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