Using pickle with setattr

Peter L Hansen peter at
Thu Oct 14 19:08:27 EDT 2004

dataangel wrote:
> dataangel wrote:
>> For the project I'm working on right now I'm dealing with a lot of 
>> class objects that I plan to be changing at run-time through the 
>> get/has/setattr functions. 
[snip rest of inquiry]
> I'm flabbergasted. Nobody on the python mailing list knows? I've stumped 
> the experts? ;)
> Or maybe my question is stupid for somer reason? :P

Or perhaps most people who read the message thought it should be
trivial for you to run the first experiment from the interpreter
prompt, and couldn't be bothered doing the work for you.  Isn't
the question you posed one that could be answered with a few
minutes of typing?

As for me, I don't use Pickle, and can't answer any of your questions,
though if I had the time to spare I'd be typing "python" and playing
around interactively and would expect to find an answer shortly.

> *bump* (Pardon me if this is considered excessively rude here, I'm new)

I don't know about rude... incomprehensible maybe.  What's "*bump*"

(I do know that many people take more than two days to receive and
read messages for this group, and that assuming you deserve a
response in less than three or four days is probably bordering on
rude...  But, generally speaking, if you don't get a response it's
possible you should re-read your original post, reconsider whether
you might have made one of the mistakes mentioned in, say, the
infamous "Smart Questions" essay, and perhaps do a little more
research and then post again with the results and a different angle
on the problem and the question.)


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