Invoker of a method

Andre Meyer meyer at
Sun Oct 24 05:07:17 EDT 2004

Thanks Alex

I will try this. The need for this is that I have a sort of blackboard 
architecture where multiple threads can modify information and I need to 
  know who is changing what and when.


Alex Martelli wrote:

> Andre Meyer <meyer at> wrote:
>>Hi Pythoneers
>>In an application I am developing I want to register the invoker of a
>>method call. Is there any way to find out who is invoking an object's
>>method? I do not want to rely on the caller telling the callee his name
> inspect.currentframe lets you inspect the call frames up the stack,
> including (of course) the caller's one; same as sys._getframe.  However,
> I suggest you reconsider using this in production code, as opposed to
> debugging or other development-framework tasks.  As the docstring says:
> '''
> This function should be used for internal and specialized purposes only.
> '''
> It's not an issue of doing what you desire with one function or another;
> if you do it at all, inspect.currentframe is appropriate.  Rather, the
> issue is that a function _shouldn't_ go rooting around in frames up the
> stack, except for debugging and other instrumentation purposes: such
> "black magic" behavior is not recommended, it damages the important
> quality of transparence.
> Still, Python does give you plenty enough rope to shoot yourself in the
> foot, as befits the principles in the "Spirit of C" which Python also
> follows: trust the programmer, don't stop the programmer from doing
> something that _needs_ to be done.  Just make sure about that 'needs'!-)
> Alex

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