
Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Sun Oct 3 03:11:50 EDT 2004

> M2Crypto. since i have little time to dwell on this part, i am wondering
> if having an ssl server in java with a client in Python (using ssl from
> socket) be okay?

Whatever you can get to work and maintain, I'm sure is fine.  No one
here minds either way.

> does anyone see any potential problems with that?

Older versions of the Python SSL library didn't support some SSL
protocol variants, and there was a long-standing bug with asynchronous
SSL sockets.

> and would it be possible for me to hack around socket and add the
> certificate verification bit myself? is that even allowed and is it
> possible?

Yeah, hack Python as you see fit.  You are not required to release
your changes if you don't want to, but feel free to give back if

 - Josiah

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