Miscellaneous personal prejudices (was: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 4))

Dan Perl danperl at rogers.com
Tue Oct 5 01:58:21 EDT 2004

My question is:

"What do I have to say to get into the QOTW?"
  Dan Perl, on his own personal prejudices

"Ville Vainio" <python-url at phaseit.net> wrote in message 
news:cjsh6t$m6u$1 at lairds.us...
> QOTW:  "...then we get a signal through, then various miracles occur, and
> the conclusion is, 'You mean it only takes thirteen lines of code to do
> that?  Our software folks said it's not possible.'
>    Cameron Laird, on his typical experience with industrial automation 
> projects
> "In fact what you'd really like is a 'resumption' object created by 
> raising
> the exception, that you can pass control to at any time, sort of like
> yielding from a generator.  Maybe you're getting deja vu now, since this 
> is
> basically what Stackless Python continuations were."
>    Paul Rubin, on the idea of resumable exceptions

I couldn't resist. 

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