ConfigParser shootout, preliminary entry

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Oct 23 09:55:57 EDT 2004

David Wilson wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
>>     * Both attribute-style and dictionary-style access supported
> Can someone please enlighten me as to why this is a good idea? The abuse 
> of __getitem__ or __getattr__ (IMHO) should only occur inside 
> transparent object proxies and suchlike -- I see no relation between 
> (key, value) mapping and attributes.

Is it enough to say that it is a good idea *for some people*, and
that you don't need to be convinced that it's a good idea for you,
or in general, for that to remain a fact?

And surely you don't really mean that you don't see a relation
between (key, value) mapping and attributes.  You *can't* mean
that... they are both forms of associative mapping.  A key or name
maps to a value.  End of story.  Obvious as all get out.

Perhaps you meant you don't believe that this obvious relation
is in itself a good reason to supply both methods of access?
Or some other point?


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