High volume websites using Python web server software?

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone dialtone.##NOSPAM#$#$$# at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 21:47:21 EDT 2004

Irmen de Jong <irmen at -nospam-remove-this-xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Things like Twisted, medusa, etc.... that claim to be able
> to support hundreds of concurrent connections because of the
> async I/O framework they're based on....
> can someone give a few examples of some web sites actually
> using those Python frameworks?


These are those that I know made with Twisted + Nevow

There are others obviously. And other people will tell you about sites made
with other python frameworks.

BTW: I'm writing a forum with Nevow, and from the last tests I've run, I can
tell you that with a normal page (3 db queries) and no caching or
optimizations, I can handle 600.000 connections/day which is almost
I've used ab to measure this performances and I think they are good ones.

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Now running FreeBSD 5.3-beta7
Blog: http://vvolonghi.blogspot.com

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