File Polling (Rereading)

Diez B. Roggisch deets.nospaaam at
Thu Oct 21 10:01:32 EDT 2004

>> But you _can't_ only read what has been changed in the file - there is no
>> such thing neither in python, nor the underlying OSses (which is the
>> reason for python not having such a functionality)
> IMO it is possible (don't know exactly how) on journalized file systems.

I seriously doubt  that  - at least that this sort of diff you can get is
more than only a list of file-offsets together with blocks of a certain
size. The os doesn't do versioned updates like subverision or cvs do. So
most times, that won't be of much use (think of xml-data - howto replace
only certain parts, that not neccelarily respect the structural
requirements of xml?)

But as long as the OP doesn't fill us in with more details of what he is
after ,  this is all idle speculation.


Diez B. Roggisch

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