speedier cgi and perf monitoring

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Mon Oct 25 11:21:50 EDT 2004

Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Am Sun, 24 Oct 2004 18:28:23 -0400 schrieb Eric S. Johansson:
>>I've seen a couple solutions for making CGI faster without significant 
>>rewrite.  The only one I've been able to locate is fastCGI.  I seem to 
>>recall something like speed CGI or speedy CGI but I can't find I thought 
>>I saw (not a puddytat).  References to this other CGI speedup tool would 
>>be appreciated.
> Have you looked at SCGI? It uses pre-forked worker processes.

thank you, thank you, thank you.  That was exactly what I was looking for
>>But I've also been playing with performance monitoring to try and 
>>improve performance with a couple of CGI that are very very hard on disk 
> This performance doesn't get better with SCGI. It only helps you to speed
> up the start up time (loading of python, connect to database, ...)

yes, I know.  I was not clear enough in my initial query.  Read further 
(and between the lines)
>>I have some disk intensive CGI which I have measured which showed only a
>>few tenth of seconds execution time but also takes sometimes 15 or 20
>>seconds elapsed time.
> I would create a standalone script for testing the performance (no
> cgi, not network traffic, ...) of the parts, which are independant of
> the cgi frontend.

good suggestion but not the help I was looking for.  What I was 
observing is that the profiling tool measures CPU time not clock time. 
No surprises after all that is what the documentation says.  The 
performance problems I'm experiencing require observing clock time (I 
believe).  So far, I haven't figured out how to specify clock time for 
the profiling tools.  any suggestions?

thinking about your suggestion about a stand-alone script, it would be 
rather difficult as I would need to simulate a complete CGI form plus 
cookies plus hidden variables etc.  any frameworks for capturing and 
replaying that kind of information.

--- eric

> HTH,
>  Thomas

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