New to Python: Features

Richard Blackwood richardblackwood at
Tue Oct 5 12:46:06 EDT 2004


>Probably more than teach Ada <G>
>	My "Design of Programming Languages" (I forget the actual title)
>course covered basic concepts, and as "homework" assignments each
>student had to choose some language and produce a 20-30min report (yes,
>we had to present them to the rest of the class).
>	Back then, I chose Ada (which was kind of tricky, given that the
>only readily available documents were the SIGPLAN rationale/reference
>and a skinny blue book (Ada by gradated examples?) -- both based on the
>preliminary language. The class had presentations on Algol, Pascal,
>COBOL, maybe C, LISP, SNOBOL, etc. {Was a small class, about 10 of us.
>Since I followed the Algol/Pascal presentations I was able to skim over
>the Ada basics and concentrate on the improvements.}
>	In short, even if the school doesn't teach the language itself,
>it is possible to have a course wherein the student chose it...
Really?  Well, I never took computer science so I guess I wouldn't 
exactly know.  What's the point of making them write a report?

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