python vs c#

Sam Holden sholden at
Sat Oct 2 19:16:14 EDT 2004

On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 14:38:34 -0700, Tim Roberts <timr at> wrote:
> Sam Holden <sholden at> wrote:
>>Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>>> This particular pickle is a disagreement of number: since there is only 
>>> one village, the correct slogan should be "... is missing its idiot". If 
>>> you thought it was "... it's idiot" then take two demerits and refrain 
>>> from posting on for 48 hours.
>>Their isn't necessarily plural so that isn't a problem. Since arguing
>>grammar isn't something I can do successfully, I'll instead resort
>>to an appeal to authority and say that one of the authors of 
>>"The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" agrees with me:
> Two points.  First, that web page just QUOTES from "The Cambridge Grammar
> of the English Language."  The page itself is just a blog, and everyone
> knows that "if you see it on a blog, it must be true."  ;/

Please check the Author of post on the blog and the authors of the book.
You'll see they are the same. Here's the author's web site if you find that
more authoratative:

If "the web" isn't a good enough source then you can call the
University and check that way I guess.

Maybe I should have provided some evidence, but I didn't think it was a
hard author confirm (the book only has two and they aren't nobodies in 
their field).

> Second, "their" is allowed as a singular pronoun only in those cases where
> a gender-specific pronoun is called for, but the gender is unclear or would
> be sexist.  Instead of "Everyone brought his Python manual," we are now
> allowed to say "Everyone brought their Python manual."
> However, in the example that started this, "village" has no gender.  Thus,
> I don't see that "their" is an acceptable alternative to "its" in this
> case.

>From the blog you dismissed so lightly which is written by someone who must
qualify as an "expert in the field":

"Principal helps their employees" - Principal is a company.

"Treasure Island's having their show right now." - Treasure Island is a

"picked by Latina Style as one of their list of ..." - Latina Style is
a magazine.

Why is a village fundamentally different from a company, hotel, or magazine?

Sam Holden

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