handle a log file.

Zunbeltz Izaola zunbeltz at wm.lc.ehu.es.XXX
Thu Oct 7 06:47:19 EDT 2004


I've a GUI program (wxPython) that comunicates with a machine with UDP
sockets. Every sended socket is writted to file for inspection if
there is problem. What ocurs is that sometimes the file grows to much
(32Mb) and the program has problems to manage it. Is any way to
control the size of the file?

Thanks in advance


Zunbeltz Izaola Azkona                    |  wmbizazz at lg dot ehu
Materia Kondentsatuaren Fisika Saila      |
Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatea        |  Phone: 34946015326
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea             |   
PK 644                                    |  Fax:   34 944648500
48080 Bilbo (SPAIN)                       |

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