Can Python run on the Internet

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Wed Oct 20 13:02:59 EDT 2004

> I'd like to use Python in my classes, but some students do not have a 
> pc.  They do have access to Internet-connected systems, though.  Is 
> there a site someplace on the Internet (preferably a web server) where 
> someone can submit a Python program to be run?  Telnet may be possible 
> to use, but a browser would be ideal.

1. Find some machine that is connected to the internet; windows, mac or
2. Set up an SSH server on the machine (it is like telnet, only secure),
there are free SSH servers and clients for all platforms (there is a
great java SSH client which can be embedded in a web page called
3. Install Python on the machine.
4. Give students a/some login(s).

Now, this will get it running; deciding whether you trust your students
in a situation like this is another question.

 - Josiah

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