Message from exception raised in generator disappears

Jeff Epler jepler at
Sat Oct 16 22:08:47 EDT 2004

>>> def gx():
...     yield 1
...     raise RuntimeError
>>> list(gx())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in gx

Exceptions in generators work for me.  Maybe there's another problem
with your code.

PS Here's my stab at writing your function, which seems like a useful

By explicitly converting s to an iterator before the loop, I can also
call "next" on it to consume an additional item on this pass through the
loop.  The use of unicode literals (instead of decimal values) for
comparison may give a slight speed boost, because it avoids an ord()
call on each trip through the loop.  I doubt you can measure the speed
difference of 'c1 <= x < c2' and 'c1 <= x and x < c2' but I think it
reads better.  The try/except StopIteration part is unfortunate, but I
don't see how to avoid it.  Whether it beats having a separate
'surrogate' variable and more complicated flow control I'm not sure.
(the exception will be seen 0 times in the try: block in a "correct"
string, and only once in a "proper" string, so it can't be that bad...)

def chars(s):
    s = iter(s)
    for i in s:
        if u'\ud800' <= i < u'\udc00':
                j =
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("Bad pair: string ends after %r" % i)
            if u'\udc00' <= j < u'\ue000':
                yield i + j
                raise ValueError("Bad pair: %r (no second half)" % (i+j))
        elif u'\udc00' <= i < u'\ude00':
                raise ValueError("Bad pair: %r (no first half)" % i)
            yield i
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