smtplib, capturing output from set_debuglevel ??

Steve Holden steve at
Fri Oct 8 08:58:05 EDT 2004

Tim Williams wrote:

> [apologies if you got this twice]
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Josiah Carlson" <jcarlson at>
>>>If you want to use file primitives to read the value back, just create
>>>another one:
>>>inpt = StringIO.StringIO(firstStringIO.getvalue())
>>>then you can read the printed output from inpt just like a file.
>>Or even:
>> - Josiah
> Steve, Andrew, Josiah,
> Thanks for your answers.
> The outgoing SMTP is multi-threaded,   so the threads disrupt each other's
> output to the file-like object  if there is any concurrent outgoing mail
> activity.
> Is there anyway I can seperate the output from each thread and capture it ?
> The outgoing threads are started  with
> thread.start_new_thread(outThread,(args,None))
> One thread per out-going message.  Each handles the outgoing message sending
> and error-handling for the message.   I can't talk back to the calling
> thread/class because it is the incoming SMTP part and it is destroyed when
> the remote client connection is dropped.  (The SMTP server is a filtering
> relay)
AT this point I might be tempted to modify the smtplib code so it 
doesn't use sys.stdout for its debug output, but some other object that 
can be passed to SMTP.__init__().

Since sys.stdout is going to be common to all modules, I think you have 
highlighted a weakness in the smtplib debugging paradigm. But if some 
smart type can come up with a better solution I'd love to see it.

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

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