acting on items passed to a method via a dictiomary

Donnal Walter donnal at
Mon Oct 18 10:59:15 EDT 2004

Michael Loritsch wrote:
 > Jeremy Bowers <jerf at> wrote:
 > > It mostly depends on the contents of the "do something with
 > > value" that you have peppered throughout. I would pull out
 > > the various "do somethings" into methods, but other then that,
 > > if you need the full flexibility of a dict that can contain
 > > anything and you need to do things with arbitrary combinations,
 > > there is little else to do.
 > > <snip>
 > I agree with Jeremy here that everything depends on what "do
 > something with value" means.

Thanks again for the additional helpful replies. I am still learning how 
to ask (good) questions, and in my original post I was guilty of 
abstracting away too many important details.

First of all, I am/was aware of the potential problem associated with 
using the default "items={}" in the signature of the setup() method. In 
fact, my own code used:

     def setup(self, items):

where items is generated by **kwds somewhere else. Without thinking, 
though, I wrote "items = {}" in my posting merely to indicate that items 
might be an empty dictionary in some cases, which several rightly 
pointed out could lead to "strange default value behavior".

More importantly, I left out a couple of crucial features of the setup() 
method itself. I did so deliberately because I thought it would add 
confusion to what I hoped was a simple question, but now I see that this 
is probably critical information. The first thing I left out is that 
setup() is what I call a 'univeral' method. When it is called from the 
__init__() method for the instance, setup() is bound to the instance, 
but when it is called from the metaclass __init__() method, it is bound 
to the class itself. This way, the specification values in *items* can 
be passed as class attributes (via dict in the metaclass __init__) or as 
keywords collected by the instance __init__(). Moreover, I "decorate" 
this method/function as being "universal" from within the metaclass 
__init__() rather than in the body of the class statement. At first I 
thought this was pretty cool, but the only way I could figure out to 
call a super setup() from a subclass (since this is a universal method) 
is to supply a munged name "_klass.__setup__" for subclasses to call. 
This is done in the metaclass as well. It is a hack, but it works.

With regard to factoring out the various 'do something' pieces of
code, I agree that this appears to be the most appropriate way to define 
the setup process, and for example it would eliminate the need for 
munging the name for subclasses. Indeed I started out this way. But here 
is why I ended up putting all the code in one method. First, some of the 
items interact (such as logical ORing several different flags). This 
could be done in separate methods by using an appropriate instance 
attribute, but it is easier to use a local variable to hold the 
intermediate result. Second, the order in which some of the setup 
functions are performed is significant. Dispatching from a list would 
preserve an order, of course, but in this case, it reads better to 
define the various functionalities one after another in the body of a 
single method. And finally, having separate setup methods for each item 
in the specification means that the metaclass would need to decorate 
each one of these methods as being "universal". Better here than in the 
body of the subclasses (IMHO), but this still adds more complexity than 
I had hoped for.

 From the standpoint of the API itself, it would be nice if each 
subclass could simply define a set of methods "setup_xxxx" where "xxxx" 
is the name of a specification to look for in "items". If I can figure 
out how to avoid the need for these specs to be handled in a particular 
order, it would make this approach much easier. If I end up keeping all 
the code in a single method (for each subclass), I will likely adopt 
Ville's suggestion (defining dictget(d, key)) to avoid repeating each 
key name.

Donnal Walter
Arkansas Children's Hospital

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