OT: invalid email bounces (was Re: Looking for more Cookbook contributors)

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Fri Oct 29 11:36:20 EDT 2004

 >>>I decided to /dev/null them instead of bouncing
>>>in part to prevent the validation and in part because the 'from'
>>>addresses were often forged, so my bounce mail would either end up in
>>>some Random J. Blow's box or in turn get bounced back to me.
>>I wish more admins would do this.  Bouncing messages to invalid accounts
>>is worse than worthless these days.
> I'm taking this even more OT... my biggest source of junk mail is
> virus warnings sent automatically as responses to virus emails with
> forged from addresses. Its *really* annoying.....

It may all be off-topic (and I've changed the subject, hint, hint)
but I thank all of you for bringing the point up, and I've just
reconfigured my server to stop bouncing mails sent to unrecognized
addresses on my domains.  Should have thought of that myself... :-(


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