What is Python's answer to Perl 6?

Nick Craig-Wood nick at craig-wood.com
Sun Oct 31 12:30:02 EST 2004

Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at wolke7.net> wrote:
>  Perl is going to change dramatically to become a more powerful and
>  easier to (read|write) language.

Actually Perl6 is one of my major reasons for retooling my brain in
Python.  I've been using perl for a long time - I have 3 revisions of
programming perl on my bookshelf. I first learnt Perl4.  Perl5 seemed
a reasonable way to cludge on some OO stuff etc without completely
redoing the language.  However Perl6 completely misses the target as
far as I am concerned.  Its too byzantine, too big and just tries to
be too clever.  Yes its fun to have a programming language you can
write techno-puns in (and yes I've enjoyed that part of perl too).
However I found through personal experience that TIMTOWDI isn't good
for large projects and I don't see Perl6 making this better.

To sum up, Perl6 made a perfect opportunity for me to migrate to

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at craig-wood.com> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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