Efficient String Lookup?

Nicolas Lehuen nicolas at lehuen.com
Sat Oct 16 12:53:34 EDT 2004

Josiah Carlson wrote:
>>I have a number of strings, containing wildcards (e.g. 'abc#e#' where # 
>>is anything), which I want to match with a test string (e.g 'abcdef'). 
>>What would be the best way for me to store my strings so lookup is as 
>>fast as possible?
> Start with a Trie, and virtually merge branches as necessary.
>  - Josiah

Yup, you might also have a look at the Aho-Corasick algorithm, which can 
match a test string against a big number of strings quite efficiently :


You'll have to adapt the algorithm so that it can handle your wilcard, 
though. I found it easy to implement the '.' (one character wildcard), 
but the '.*' (zero or more character wildcard) forces you to have 

But if you can use the regexp engine, do not hesitate, it will save you 
a lot of headaches. Unless of course you're a student and your teacher 
asked you this question ;).



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