Parallelization on muli-CPU hardware?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Fri Oct 8 03:22:58 EDT 2004

Bryan Olson <fakeaddress at> wrote:
> Are we looking at the same question?  A language that makes safe

Probably not: I'm focusing on (and answering, I hope) the specific
assertion "CPython doesn't have thread-local storage", an assertion
which I think is wrong for 2.4.  Even if we do agree it does, that
doesn't necessarily mean such TLS (which CPython exposes to Python
programs) is in the least helpful in implementing CPython itself, of
course; nevertheless it seems reasonable to me to try and answer
assertions which I believe are wrong, even when those assertions may not
be directly relevant to a thread's "Subject".

> Guido did not impose the GIL lightly.  This is a hard problem.

Sure.  I wonder what (e.g.) IronPython or Ruby do about it -- never
studied the internals of either, yet.


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