Problem with telnetlib dropping receive bytes.

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Oct 6 21:46:29 EDT 2004

I'm writing an app that uses telnetlib, and I'm having problems
with bytes missing from the data stream received by my app.  At
first I assumed it was a bug in either the server or my app.
When I couldn't find anything wrong with either, I finally
looked at, and found this:

   419	    def process_rawq(self):
   420	        """Transfer from raw queue to cooked queue.
   422	        Set self.eof when connection is closed.  Don't block unless in
   423	        the midst of an IAC sequence.
   425	        """
   426	        buf = ['', '']
   427	        try:
   428	            while self.rawq:
   429	                c = self.rawq_getchar()
   430	                if not self.iacseq:
   431	                    if c == theNULL:
   432	                        continue
   433	                    if c == "\021":
   434	                        continue
   435	                    if c != IAC:
   436	                        buf[] = buf[] + c
   437	                        continue
   438	                    else:
   439	                        self.iacseq += c

Why are NUL and DC1 characters being deleted from the recieve
data stream at lines 431 and 433?  They're both perfectly legal
characters.  I can't find anywhere in RFC 854 where it says to
do that, and it's breaking my program.  Some of the other
telnet features (e.g. RFC 2217) specifically use those two byte

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  The entire CHINESE
                                  at               WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL TEAM all
                                 share ONE personality --
                                                   and have since BIRTH!!

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