[warning: 99% OT] does anything like this exist ?...

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 26 13:31:43 EDT 2004

Richie Hindle wrote:
> Andrew Dalke contributed a program to the SpamBayes wiki that does
> exactly this:
>   http://www.entrian.com/sbwiki/SpamBayesCuller
>   http://www.entrian.com/sbwiki/RecentChangesOfSpamBayesCuller

> You'll need to download and install the SpamBayes source code as well,

I got email about 6 months ago asking if it is okay to include my
sb_culler program with the SpamBayes source code.  I haven't checked
to see if that actually happened.

As written it's designed for a programmer to use.  You had to
edit code to change options.

I've added a few new features since then, like reloading the
good_emails file if there are changes.  Want to add another to
whitelist based on domain, and to remove emails with a given
subject, like "Sprava nebola dorucena".  Perhaps I'll update
the wiki afterwards.

				dalke at dalkescientific.com

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