binary numbers

Max M maxm at
Tue Oct 5 18:54:12 EDT 2004

Larry Bates wrote:
> Brad Tilley wrote:
>> How can I specify that a number be represented in binary format when 
>> passing it to a function? I'm working with the Windows registry and 
>> REG_BINARY values expect numbers in binary form...
>> This would be nice:
>> import binary
>> x = binary(5)

I am not quite shure that I understand you correctly. But I think so.

You are probaly loking for the struct module. It handles strings as
lumps of binary data. So if you want to store something as "binary" you
convert it to a string containing binary data, and pass that string to
the registry.

It's not that hard. A function doing what you describe above could be
written a bit like:

# converts int to "binary short"
from struct import pack
x = pack('h', 5)

So technically x is now a string, but it contains the binary
representation of bytes that is a "short" on your system. I am not shure
if the registry expects a short though.

more info in the docs at:

4.3 struct -- Interpret strings as packed binary data


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

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