python vs c#

Sam Holden sholden at
Sat Oct 2 19:24:54 EDT 2004

On Sat, 02 Oct 2004, Dave Brueck <dave at> wrote:
> Tim Roberts wrote:
>> Sam Holden <sholden at> wrote:
>>>Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>>>>This particular pickle is a disagreement of number: since there is only 
>>>>one village, the correct slogan should be "... is missing its idiot". If 
>>>>you thought it was "... it's idiot" then take two demerits and refrain 
>>>>from posting on for 48 hours.
>>>Their isn't necessarily plural so that isn't a problem. Since arguing
>>>grammar isn't something I can do successfully, I'll instead resort
>>>to an appeal to authority and say that one of the authors of 
>>>"The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" agrees with me:
> [snip]
>> Second, "their" is allowed as a singular pronoun only in those cases where
>> a gender-specific pronoun is called for, but the gender is unclear or would
>> be sexist.  Instead of "Everyone brought his Python manual," we are now
>> allowed to say "Everyone brought their Python manual."
> It's now correct to use "their" in that way now? Yay! I'm glad the way I've 
> always used it is finally correct. Take THAT, my English teachers of days long 
> gone! Now if I could only convince them to happily split infinitives...

>From the same author and same blog I referenced before, an entry talking about
his book "A Student's Introduction to English Grammar" says the following:

        The other shocking thing is more substantive. I just did a
        global search of the entire electroscript and found that nowhere
        does the book make the slightest mention of the concept "split

His proposed solution is to add to the glossary:

        Split infinitive: No such thing. Don't be a loony.

For the full rant:

He really is a Professor of Linguistics and not some elaborate web hoax :)

Sam Holden

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