FTP file creation date

Tim Williams listserver at tdw.net
Wed Oct 27 12:03:39 EDT 2004

"[ EuGeNe ]" <eugene at boardkulture.com> wrote in message
news:de8687be.0410270727.12eb2d3b at posting.google.com...
> Hi all,
> I would like to write a script that downloads one file from a ftp
> server if the file creation date satisfy a condition.
> I can't figure out how to find from a ftp server what is the creation
> date of the file (using python).

Here's a snippet that does something based on size,   the date can be
retrieved by adapting the file.split() part in DoStuff ()
(adapted from a snippet I found while googling once,  I forget who to
attribute it to - sorry )

from ftplib import FTP
# import os, sys

files = ['file1.zip','file2.zip']
get_list = []
global progress

def handleDownload(block):
    global progress
    progress = progress + len(block)
    print '\b'*20,progress,

def doStuff(file):
    size = file.split()[4]
    name = file.split()[8]
    # build a list of files to be downloaded using.
    #     get_list.append(name)

    if name in files :
        # if something else matches

site = FTP('somedomain.com')
msg = site.login()  #login (and store
site.retrlines('LIST', doStuff)

for x in range(len(get_list)):
    global progress
    progress = 0
    fname = get_list[x]
    print "downloading", fname
    file = open(('c:\\download\\' + fname), 'wb')
    site.retrbinary( "RETR " + fname,  handleDownload )


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