Is there a "Large Scale Python Software Design" ?

Jeremy Jones zanesdad at
Tue Oct 19 11:36:33 EDT 2004

Jonathan Ellis wrote:

>Peter L Hansen wrote:
>>Jonathan Ellis wrote:
>>>The benefits of static typing, not least among which is the vastly
>>>superior ease of creating tools that "understand" the language,
>>>outweigh python's advantages in an environment when many people are
>>>writing a lot of code.
>>While it appears true that it is easier to develop certain
>>tools for statically typed languages, it's not at all apparent
>>that this small benefit outweighs the very significant advantages
>>that Python brings to large-scale development, and to large-team
>Almost four years ago I started working at a company with about 500
>kloc of Java code.  Thanks largely to tool support I was able to get in
>and start fixing bugs my first day (this is without significant prior
>Java experience).  A more-experienced co-worker pointed me in the right
>direction, and the IDE did the rest.  ("Find definition," "Find
I've never worked on a code base that big, but something that I'm 
finding useful is incorporating ctags into vim.  You can put your cursor 
on a piece of code and hit C-] in vim and it takes you to where that 
"code thing" (either a class or an instance, etc) and it finds the 
definition if it's been ctagged.  Better than grep, maybe not as good as 
the GUI support you mentioned - and I haven't tried to see if there is a 
"find references" type of functionality.

<snip the rest>

Jeremy Jones
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