metaclass and customization with parameters

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Sun Oct 3 17:53:41 EDT 2004

zipher wrote:

>Yes, your suggestions were my second, and first implemenations
>respectively.  However, both require defining a class by the 'user',
>so to speak, as opposed to letting the user simply call a 'function'
>that returns the customized class with the filter class attribute
>already set.
>Another reason it would be helpful to be able to wrap this in an
>expression like "Metadict(filter=int)" is because I can then use this
>as a parameter passed to other parts of the application.  (Although,
>as you suggested, I'd have to pass the name as well.)
I could *swear* I sent you an answer which did exactly what you wanted 
just a few minutes after your first posting (at least Mozilla claims I did):

def Metadict( name, **args ):
   return type( name, (baseClassWithCommonCode,), args )

That is, a function that you call with a name for the new class, and a 
set of parameters which will be passed into the namespace of the newly 
created class, (where the newly created class is to be a sub-class of 
some specified base class), which returns the new class.  This does, 
indeed, use a meta-class (type), btw, it just doesn't use the metaclass 
hook, which is what's bothering you elsewhere.


    fred = Metadict( 'fred', filter=int )

should work fine with that function, and it seems to meet all of your 
other criteria modulo magically knowing the name to which it's being 


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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