pyc files located elsewhere?

Jerry Sievers jerry at
Sat Oct 16 08:35:44 EDT 2004


On Python 2.3.3, is there any way to have the .pyc files created
elsewhere than in the same dir as the source files?

I have an application that consists of about 30 source files including
a few packages.

I would like it if my .pyc files could be in a subdir of the app root
if possible.  I would have to make sure that the subdir structure
underneath matched the structure of the app itself.

I would also consider having each package directory have its own PYC
directory and the compiled files could go in there even.

So, can I feed a prefix to the system that checks for and creates .pyc
files somehow?  My review of the Pydocs for related compilation issues
didn't seem to turn up an answer.


Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     WWW ECommerce Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile

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