How can I do French and English Spell Checking using MS Word from Python

Pater Maximus emayo at
Tue Oct 19 20:48:08 EDT 2004

I have been knocking my brains out on this one. I just got it to work while
putting together a reply to you. That just goes to prove the
Shakespeare/typing monkeys paradigm works in Python too:)

I figured it out by using the "dot completion" in Delphi to discover that
.Selection.LanguageID was acceptable.

Here is the code from my program. I am new to Python so forgive bad idioms.

#Other stuff here...

msword = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")

msword.Selection.LanguageID=1036 # the 1036 should be the constant wdFrench
but I could not get it to run with it

for line in inputFile:

word = line.split(',')

if msword.CheckSpelling(word[1]):

print "!%s! OK!" % word[1]


print "Misspelled" , line

#Other stuff here...

The line with LanguageID was the missing piece.

Question: Is there "dot completion" in any of the free Python editors?

Thanks for your reply.

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