Reading struct with structs

Andrew Durdin adurdin at
Tue Oct 12 19:30:03 EDT 2004

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:27:29 -0400, Baillargeon, Sonny
<sonny.baillargeon at> wrote:
> The custom structs are arbitrary.  The struct module only allows me to
> have strict C datatypes.  How can I read in a struct recursively given I
> have to feed the struct.unpack?

Here's one idea. Suppose we have the following structs:

struct foo {
    int x;
    int y;
struct bar {
    int a;
    struct foo;

If we've read in len(struct bar) bytes into a string s:

# This Thing is only for this example; presumably you'll be wanting
# to read the data into some other class instances.
class Thing(object): pass
bar = Thing() = Thing()

(bar.a,, = struct.unpack("iii", s)

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