ann: Pysch, Scheme runtime environment in Python

Arich Chanachai macrocosm at
Fri Oct 8 11:13:12 EDT 2004

David Rush wrote:

>olepar at (Oleg Paraschenko) writes:
>>Pysch relies on Bigloo to preprocess a source code of
>>Scheme programs (expand macros) and to save the result
>>as XML. Pysch interprets only the refined XML.
>This should get listed as the most bizarre implementation methodolgy
>ever adopted. I think you have definitively showed the equivalence
>between s-exprs and XML, if nothing else.
>And for the tone-of-voice challenged, I do not intend to convey
>sarcasm. Rather I am amazed that such an approach works well
>enough to:
>>Pysch supports only a subset of the Scheme functions
>>library. Anyway, the subset is big enough to run
>>SXPath and SXSLT code.
>How fast?
>david rush
If you had checked the website you would know the answer.  It is stated 
clearly on the website that it is VERY slow, primarily for research, and 
therefore not for production purposes.

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