Final thoughts SMTP

LutherRevisited lutherrevisited at
Wed Oct 20 15:46:35 EDT 2004

To clear up something which Gerhard advised me on regarding the login method. 
I've found that AOL's smtp server is unique compared to every other one I've
seen.  If you type auth plain, it will prompt you with: user:, then password:,
that is why I did the s.docmd thing since AOL is daring to be different, I did
find that if you went  with auth login the s.login would work then, you just
had to give the auth login cmd first.....go figure.  At school I actually am
able to directly get to smtp servers and am not rerouted to that nefarious aol
server, and there I found that s.login works perfectly on every email server I
use, except AOL....go figure, and then it will if you just do it the way they
want you too.  Thanks for all the help on this guys, pretty much everything I
was told was dead on, AOL just has a psychotic way of doing things.

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