Zope 3.0, and why I won't use it

Max M maxm at mxm.dk
Mon Nov 15 11:59:09 EST 2004

Tim Peters wrote:

>>and there being references to folders that don't exists in the Windows
>>install, so you need to guess which ones to use instead.
> If you have more details about that, the zope3-dev list would be a
> better place to reveal them.

Shure. I wasn't bitching. I just tried the Window installer yesterday 
evening, so I haven't really had time to comment. But I crosspost this 
to z3dev (via gmane), and vill continue the discussion there.

I tried to follow the instructions in the Zope3Book at:



1.3.3  Creating a Zope Instance

It says:

Creating a new instance is easy. Enter the Zope 3 directory and enter 
the following command:

1  /bin/mkzopeinstance -u username:password -d path/to/instance

First problem here is that there is no obvious "Zope 3" directory on the 
windows installation.

Most of Z3 gets installed in site-packages, so I search that folder and 
find a "mkzopeinstance.py" file in:


I run that, and nothing happens.

So I look on, and to my surprise i find a file called "mkzopeinstance" in:


Which isn't exactly logical. It is in the root of my Python install, and 
I didn't exactly remember that it wasn't there before ... I guess that 
must be the Zope 3 folder on Windows ;-)

I look into it and check that it isn't a shell script, rename it to 
"mkzopeinstance.py" and runs it. It creates an instance allright with 
all the skeleton files.

Now I want to start the server and look into the <INSTANCE>/bin where 
there is a "runzope" but no "runzope.bat". So I start to wonder if more 
files are going to have missing extension, so that I will need to spend 
the entire night appending ".py" to script in random order ;-)

So I gave up and went to bed, wanting to try again later when I had 
better time.

So I guess I spend enough time to be confused, but not enough to make 
constructive critiscism.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark

IT's Mad Science

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