SQL Server stored prcedures with output parameters

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Thu Nov 18 03:54:09 EST 2004

[Steve Holden]

| However, the stored procedure below appears to consistently 
| return zero for the link_id when called with:
| columnist_id, url, title, description, link_id = \
| 	curs.callproc("sp_InsertArticle",
| 		(columnist_id, url, title, description, 0))
| so maybe there really *is* something wrong.

Ummm... Well, I don't know how you'd do it from ado, but
if I were writing this in T-SQL, I'd be saying:

DECLARE @new_link_id
EXECUTE sp_InsertArticle @columnist_id... , @new_link_id OUTPUT

In other words, you have to tell SQL that the param you're
passing in is an output param. Frankly, I don't know why, since
the data dictionary already knows that the formal parameter to
which it corresponds is flagged as output, but there it is.
I don't know (and I don't have the time to look just at the 
moment) how ADO handles that.


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