import can't find xml.sax.saxlib from PyXML

Stefan Behnel behnel_ml at
Thu Nov 25 07:14:29 EST 2004


I'm using PyXML 0.8.3 on a number of machines. When I now run

import xml.sax.saxlib

python touches both the python/xml/sax and python/site-packages/_xmlplus 
modules but not _xmlplus/sax (I see that from strace), and then only 
searches for saxlib in python/xml/sax, i.e. in stdlib. I therefore get an 
ImportError though saxlib exists in _xmlplus/sax.

I know that it worked before, but I can't tell what changed on the systems 
during new installations of new python versions. I tried it with 2.3 
(which worked before but somewhat surprisingly doesn't work any more) and 
2.4 (where I never managed to make this work).

Does anyone have a hint what I could try?


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