Delphi underrated, IDE clues for Python

Doug Holton insert at
Fri Nov 26 18:45:05 EST 2004

Caleb Hattingh wrote:

> I have been using Delphi 6 at work for several years now (python where 
> I  can squeeze it in!).
> As a programming environment, Delphi is *awesome*.  Sure, it's 
> statically  typed.  Sure, it's proprietry. Sure, it is Windows-based.
> BUT as an IDE, the Delphi environment is amazing.  What I want in a 
> Python  IDE is the Delphi ide, but with python as the language.  The  
> *code-insight*, code/class completion, integrated debugging, integrated  
> help, and *incredibly* fast GUI design is a killer combination.  We  

Yeah, there have been plenty of threads about python gui designers (boa 
constructor, wxdesigner, wxglade, ...).  I don't really like the gui 
designers that make you plan the layout with sizers before you can even 
drag in a new control.
QT Designer for me was the easiest and nicest to use.  However, you have 
to pay if you are using it to develop Windows applications.

We have been working on a plugin that lets you use boo (a python-like 
language for .NET) with the free SharpDevelop IDE (very similar to 
visual studio).
Others have already created the initial boo language binding for 
SharpDevelop, so you can edit boo scripts with syntax highlighting and 
build applications with SharpDevelop.  Also there is a built-in 
interpreter window (like python IDLE).  I was planning on adding support 
for SharpDevelop's gui designer, and I think others already have code 
that can be adapted for code completion and debugging in SharpDevelop.

The drawback is that SharpDevelop is Windows-only.  Monodevelop is an 
alternative that works on Linux or Mac, but it has no gui designer yet. 
  Someone apparently is working on one called "stetic".

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