strong/weak typing and pointers

Christophe Cavalaria chris.cavalaria at
Tue Nov 2 16:48:23 EST 2004

Steven Bethard wrote:

> Totally clear now, thanks.  Basically you would say that the more implicit
> coercions a language performs, the more weakly typed it is.  This diverges
> from the common use of the terms strong and weak typing in the PL
> literature, which is why I was confused.

One could say that the common definition of weakly typed languages cannont
apply for a dynamicaly type language. Let's face it, once you've
implemented a dynamicaly typed language, it seems very hard to use one
piece of data as the wrong type. What we can do is extend the definition of
weakly typed language to something like : "A weakly typed language is a
language that often uses incorectly some piece of data by applying to it
the wrong type" Such definition would include any language that is too
liberal with the type coertion like php.

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