passing a socket to a spawned process.

Dave Cole djc at
Sun Nov 28 19:09:03 EST 2004

Martin C.Atkins wrote:
> I have (finally!) put a package up on our website that provides a
> Python module for sending file descriptors down Unix-domain sockets, on Linux.
> See the first item under:
> Please let me know of any problems, obvious omissions, etc...
> BTW: I just found out about bindd (see the README), and could probably
> clean the code up from the examples in its sourcecode, but the current
> version of fdcred works for me! 
> Sorry it has taken so long!

I notice that you have used the LGPL for your code.  Could you be 
convinced to use a Python style license?

This would mean that some time in the (hopefully not too distant) future 
the code could be added to the standard socket module.

- Dave


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