Python OS

Richard Blackwood richardblackwood at
Sat Nov 6 09:49:37 EST 2004

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

>Richard Blackwood wrote:
>>Is it possible to prototype an operating system in Python?  If so, what
>>would such a task entail? (i.e. How would one write a boot-loader in
>There have been lengthy discussions on this subject in this group - google
>is your friend. 
I know, I read them.  The conclusion was that indeed, it can and in fact 
has been done.

>Generally spaeking, its not possible - as there is a fair amount of
>low-level stuff to be progammed for interrupt routines and the like that
>can not be done in python.
More what I meant was whether I can _prototype_ an OS in Python (i.e. 
make a virtual OS).

P.S.  If one can program interrupt routines in C, they can do the same 
in Python.

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