Text widget - insert line

beps beps at email.it
Mon Nov 22 17:47:58 EST 2004

> > def show_customers(self, customers) :
> > ##      data is a list
> >         for data in customers:
> >             dato = operator.concat(str(data), '/n')
>                                                  ^^
> You have to use n, not /n.

> Reinhold

Yes, excuse me, this is my code now:
> > def show_customers(self, customers) :
> >         #customers is a list
> >         for data in customers :
> >              self.text_wdgt.insert(0.0, data)
> >              self.text_wdgt.insert(0.0, '\n')     

but the following is the output :

I must obtain the exact contrary :

There's an error in the indices of insert() method of Text widget.
The first data line one goes on the second and so on.
I would have to obtain the exact index of the line end.
But I have not still understood and tried like making.

If you have a ready example you show it to me, please.
thanks for all



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